2 质量控制[Quality control]

测序质量 Sequencing Quality

Phred Quality Score(\(Q\) 可以衡量测序过程中read每个碱基的质量。\(P\)代表该碱基被测序错误的概率,\(Q\) 是与错误概率\(P\)呈对数相关的属性。 公式为 :
Phred quality score is a measure of the quality of the identification of the nucleobases generated by automated DNA sequencing. The Phred quality scores \(Q\) are defined as a property which is logarithmically related to the base-calling error probabilities \(P\). The formular is :

\[Q=-10 log_{10}{P}\]

The following table summarize the sequencing quality scores and GC content.

Table 2.1: 样本测序质量[Summary of sequencing quality by samples]
SampleID RawReads Q30 Q20 GC
P-1 147937217,147937217 47.99%,91.47% 63.95%,96.26% 36.48%,46.95%
P-2 102099738,102099738 48.15%,91.59% 64.10%,96.29% 36.24%,46.75%
P-3 105994125,105994125 48.15%,91.79% 64.10%,96.40% 36.30%,46.74%
P-4 70449698,70449698 48.24%,91.78% 64.18%,96.35% 36.33%,46.71%
T-1 114441598,114441598 48.79%,92.13% 64.86%,96.56% 35.79%,47.03%
T-2 145418174,145418174 48.89%,92.20% 64.96%,96.59% 35.72%,46.95%
T-3 88079461,88079461 48.95%,92.29% 65.01%,96.62% 35.46%,46.69%
T-4 89771241,89771241 48.72%,92.26% 64.79%,96.62% 35.87%,47.08%

分列信息 Column Descriptions

Sample : 样本名[The sample Name/ID]
RawReads : 测序原始读数总数[Total number of sequenced raw reads]
Q30 : 符合 Q30 核苷酸百分比[Percentage of nucleotides passed Q30] (Q30: error rate=1/1000)
Q20 : 符合 Q20 核苷酸百分比[Percentage of nucleotides passed Q20] (Q20: error rate=1/100)
GC : GC 含量百分比[Percentage of GC content]

(R1,R2 表示双端测序的末端配对[R1,R2 indicate two mates for paired-end data])

2.1 P-1_R1

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.2 P-1_R2

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.3 P-2_R1

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.4 P-2_R2

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.5 P-3_R1

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.6 P-3_R2

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.7 P-4_R1

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.8 P-4_R2

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.9 T-1_R1

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.10 T-1_R2

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.11 T-2_R1

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.12 T-2_R2

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.13 T-3_R1

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.14 T-3_R2

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.15 T-4_R1

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary

2.16 T-4_R2

  • Phred箱形图[PhredBoxplot] : jpg

  • Fastqc : summary