6 线性降维PCA[Perform linear dimensional reduction]


In Seurat, instead of directly performing cluster analysis on all cells, first perform PCA principal component analysis, then select the few principal components with the largest contribution, and use the selected principal component values for cluster analysis.

6.1 P-PCA结果[PCA result]

PCA结果[PCA result]

P-PCA result

Figure 6.1: P-PCA result

PDF 文件 : P-VizDimLoadings.jpg

不同主成分的关系[Principal component relationship]

P-PCA relationship

Figure 6.2: P-PCA relationship

PDF 文件 : P-DimPlot.jpg

主成分热图[Principal component heatmap]

P-Main source of heterogeneity

Figure 6.3: P-Main source of heterogeneity

PDF 文件 : P-DimHeatmap.jpg

鉴定数据集的可用维度[Determine statistically significant principal components]


P-PCA result

Figure 6.4: P-PCA result

PDF 文件 : P-main_pc1.jpg

图例[Figure legends]


Compare the p-value distribution and the uniform distribution (dashed line) for each PC. “Important” PCs will show a strong abundance of features with low p-values (solid lines above the dotted line). In this case, it looks like the importance drops sharply after the first 10-12 PCs.


P-PCA result

Figure 6.5: P-PCA result

PDF 文件 : P-main_pc1.jpg

图例[Figure legends]


Sort the principal components based on the percentage of variance explained by each (ElbowPlot function). In this example, we can observe the “elbows” around PC9-10, which indicates that most of the real signals were captured in the top 10PCs.

6.2 T-PCA结果[PCA result]

PCA结果[PCA result]

T-PCA result

Figure 6.6: T-PCA result

PDF 文件 : T-VizDimLoadings.jpg

不同主成分的关系[Principal component relationship]

T-PCA relationship

Figure 6.7: T-PCA relationship

PDF 文件 : T-DimPlot.jpg

主成分热图[Principal component heatmap]

T-Main source of heterogeneity

Figure 6.8: T-Main source of heterogeneity

PDF 文件 : T-DimHeatmap.jpg

鉴定数据集的可用维度[Determine statistically significant principal components]


T-PCA result

Figure 6.9: T-PCA result

PDF 文件 : T-main_pc1.jpg

图例[Figure legends]


Compare the p-value distribution and the uniform distribution (dashed line) for each PC. “Important” PCs will show a strong abundance of features with low p-values (solid lines above the dotted line). In this case, it looks like the importance drops sharply after the first 10-12 PCs.


T-PCA result

Figure 6.10: T-PCA result

PDF 文件 : T-main_pc1.jpg

图例[Figure legends]


Sort the principal components based on the percentage of variance explained by each (ElbowPlot function). In this example, we can observe the “elbows” around PC9-10, which indicates that most of the real signals were captured in the top 10PCs.